Tag Archives: global marketplace


Ebay is a multi-billion dollar online auction and shopping corporation. While Ebay is responsible for a great deal of buying and selling on the internet, did you know your purchase from this company could have a positive impact on the world? If you shop at Ebay’s WorldofGood.com, you are promoting socially and responsible shopping. This website buys and sells artisan, handmade, and fair trade clothing and gifts from around the world. Basically, it is a “a global marketplace where every purchase makes a positive impact.”

As consumers, we leave imprints when buying products. So why not make a positive imprint that matches your interests and values? Every purchase makes a difference and leaves a “Goodprint.” There are four “Goodprints” that your World of Good product can be labeled as: people positive, eco positive, animal friendly, and support a cause (which contributes to the buyers favorite nonprofit). WorldofGood.com has partnered with 41 “Total Trust Providers,” which are organizations whose ideas are centralized around social good. These organizations provide verification of “the activity of their members or their members’ products to foster commerce that maintains and encourages transparency, sustainability, economic empowerment, and ethical business practices. Each seller, product, and producer on WorldofGood.com must maintain a verified relationship with at least one Trust Provider, and these relationships will be reflected in every WorldofGood.com listing.” A few examples of “Total Trust Providers” are Fair Trade Certified, Rainforest Alliance, World Fair Trade Organization, Fair for Life, and Women for Women International.

So next time you need to buy a new piece of jewelry or a unique gift, check out WorldofGood.com and see how your purchase can make a difference.

To find more information about Ebay’s WorldofGood.com, click here.

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